суббота, 24 июля 2010 г.

Small kitchen by kristin laass + norman ebelt:

'small type' is a modular kitchen created by german designers kristin laass and norman ebelt.
it is intended to fit into the small spaces and accommodate the diverse habits of its users.
the focus of the protoype is to provide a smooth work cycle and intuitive operation to those
using the kitchen. at only 1m² when closed, 'small type' serves as a dining table. when the
table is rolled away, the full capability of the kitchen unit is revealed with a refrigerator,
induction cooktop, oven, and storage space.

вторник, 13 июля 2010 г.

LIVE LAMP // Tillandsia Air Plant Globe

toHOLD Summer 2010 Design - debuted at de LaB in Los Angeles California June 2010.

LIVE LAMP is a glowing nest of eighty live Fuschii v Gracillis tillandsia air plants mounted to a blown glass orb. Illuminated internally by a CFL grow lamp, these epiphytic plants survive with no dirt - just UV, air and a little moisture. Remove the dome and run the plants under water or mist liberally once a week.

This is a limited edition from toHOLD - LIVE LAMPs are available by special order via toHOLD's etsy shop this summer. Note each Live Lamp takes a 7-10 business days for production, some customization available. All LIVE LAMPS are signed and numbered by toHOLD.