вторник, 13 июля 2010 г.

LIVE LAMP // Tillandsia Air Plant Globe

toHOLD Summer 2010 Design - debuted at de LaB in Los Angeles California June 2010.

LIVE LAMP is a glowing nest of eighty live Fuschii v Gracillis tillandsia air plants mounted to a blown glass orb. Illuminated internally by a CFL grow lamp, these epiphytic plants survive with no dirt - just UV, air and a little moisture. Remove the dome and run the plants under water or mist liberally once a week.

This is a limited edition from toHOLD - LIVE LAMPs are available by special order via toHOLD's etsy shop this summer. Note each Live Lamp takes a 7-10 business days for production, some customization available. All LIVE LAMPS are signed and numbered by toHOLD.

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